Navigating Citations
Virgo stores all the record requirement citations relevant to your organization.
This Help topic includes the following sections:
You will learn about the composition of a citation which includes the details within the citation, and how to find citations that have changed which may impact your retention schedule.
The list of citations is kept up to date with changing regulations by the team at Access, so you will always be informed about any changes that may affect your retention policies as you navigate through your citations.
Length: 2 minutes.
To view the details of a citation, select the citation, and click View Detail.
The Citation details page provides one place where you can easily see the details regarding the supporting regulatory citations associated with your retention schedule.
The left pane displays a comprehensive view of a citation's information and record keeping regulatory requirements. This information helps you make good decisions when creating retention policies. You can check the Help Glossary for field definitions.
The right panel displays the mapped record series, private comments and an audit trail which tracks all the changes made to the citation. You can document business decisions and clarify additional details in the Private Comments section. The Audit Trail displays what field changed, when it changed, who changed it, and how it changed. Important changes are highlighted in yellow.
The table below describes the Citation Details page features.
Feature | Description |
Notifications |
If the Research team does not recommend mapping a citation to a record series, in the header of the citation, a black triangle icon displays: You can hover over the icon for more information and then take appropriate action. For example, if Research Status of a mapped citation is Requirement Removed, remove the mapping. |
Reviews |
As the Virgo Research team updates the citation database, updates are categorized as New, Repealed, Important Change, and Minor Change. A gold flag indicates that the citation is ready for review. New citations and citations that have an Important Change will be flagged for review automatically. Citations that are Repealed and are mapped to a record series will be flagged automatically too. Minor changes are clerical in nature and are not flagged for review. |
Flags |
You can also click on the flag next to citation heading to enable or disable the flagging feature. If you disable a flag for a citation and the citation has record series mappings that are also flagged, you will be prompted with a choice to clear those flags as well. To view a list of flagged citations, open the Flagged Citations view. |
Source |
On the Citation details page, you can click the link icon next to the Citation field to open the source of that citation. Links display primarily for non-US jurisdictions. Links to these countries do not display: Russia, China, Belarus, Ukraine, and Taiwan. |
Subheading |
On the Citation details page, the Subheading field provides additional context for some citations. |
Authority Tags |
On the Citation details page, the Authority Tags field displays any tags our Research team has applied to a citation. For example, the Research team tags citations that are applicable to COVID-19 vaccine requirements with a COVID tag. The Authority Tags field for these citations will display the tag COVID. |
Grid Status |
On the Citation details page, the Grid Status field determines if a citation displays or is hidden on the Citations page grid, reports, and views. |
Public Notes |
On the Citation details page, the Public Notes field is intended for additional information about the citation as it relates to your organization or retention schedule. All users who can view citations in your instance of Virgo will be able to view this field. |
Research Status |
On the Citation details page, the Research Status field displays the status our Research team assigned to the citation. For example, the status could be Published (the citation can be mapped to a record series), Pending Removal Immaterial (the citation may be deleted in the future and the Research team does not recommend for mapping), or Requirement Removed (the Research team does not recommend for mapping). For example, if Research Status of a mapped citation is Requirement Removed, remove the mapping. |
The Mapped Record Series section displays the record series mapped to a citation.
The table below describes the features of the Mapped Record Series section.
Feature | Description |
Mapping supports a key functionality of Virgo: Linking citations to record series. For example, if there's a new citation, and the citation applies to multiple record series, you can easily map the citation to the record series. TIP: You can also map record series to a citation. To manage mappings
Unmap Record Series |
If the citation no longer applies to a record series, you can select the record series, and then click Unmap Record Series. |
Show Only Flagged |
Flagging indicates which mappings a have been reviewed and which mappings still need to be reviewed. You can click Show Only Flagged to review flagged mappings. TIP: To generate a report of citations flagged for review, on the Citations tab, click Report, and then select Flagged Citations. |
Filter Mapped Record Series |
You can enter a term the Filter Mapped Record Series field to narrow down the mapped record series that display. Once a filter is applied, a filter icon displays next to the Mapped Record Series heading to indicate that you are viewing a filtered list of mapped items. |
Grid |
You can also click the flag icon to flag a mapped record series for review. You can also click the icon to indicate that the mapped record series has been reviewed. The icon will turn gray. TIP: Click the flag icon next to the Citation heading on the details page to clear all flags. The Defining column indicates if the citation is the defining authority for a record series. |
Private Comments provide a secure place for team discussions about the citation. Private comments help keep everyone on the same page and your audit trail will make it easy to understand when and why changes were made, so that you can pass internal and external audits.
Private comments include the following features:
You can enter a new comment about the citation or change to the citation, and then click Save Comment.
The most recent comment on displays first.
After you have added your comment, you can edit or delete your own comment.
The Audit Trail displays a history of changes to the citation including the date, the user, and the action. Virgo highlights specific audit changes for citations ready for review to draw attention to specific changes.
Consistent with other tabs in Virgo, on the Citations tab you can filter and sort information, show and hide columns, generate reports, and customize views for your specific needs.
- To return to the grid view, you can click the up arrow.
- Each section can be collapsed and expanded.
- You can navigate through the detail pages by using the left and right arrows.